Renasci Self-Mastery

A Cutting-edge community for Modern mystics

the Story behind RSM

Renasci Self-Mastery (RSM) was created as an antidote to an atomised world, a growing number of  crises affecting individuals the world over, and a desire for the modern mystic to define their place in a society moving at light-speed. 

The journey of personal self-mastery is paramount in any individual’s life, because it’s what keeps you steady when it feels like the world is going to sh*t, and I strongly believe RSM is the best place to embark on that journey.

You don’t need another course. It’ll sit in your ‘to-do’ pile, and you may never touch it. If you do, you may just become one of the 90% of people that never finish them.

You don’t need a weekend seminar or retreat. These are just peak experience products that make you feel on top of the world for a few weeks or months, only to fall back to reality with nothing more to show for it than a couple of feel-good memories.

No, more and more it is becoming clear that what the modern mystic needs is Community. 

A community that doesn’t act in spite of the opposite sex or writhe around in their bitterness for not being where they want to be. A community that doesn’t exclude or isolate themselves from ‘the other’. 

They need a community formed in cameraderie with an international group of elite individuals striving for excellence and magnificence, and looking to become uncommon amongst the uncommon.

RSM is that community. Here’s what to expect:

the RSM method

I’m not going to sell you on some secret sauce here.

The framework underpinning all the work we do within the Renasci Self-Mastery Community is The Hero’s Journey. Popularised by mythologist Joseph Campbell, The Hero’s Journey is a multi-step framework which he believed every hero went through in narratives throughout history. 

I have been using this narrative framework as a means to coach men and women all around the world for the last half decade, and recently, the scientific community is also catching onto this as a profound tool for personal growth and exploration. Looks like I beat them to it… 😉


Your journey begins with a Call to Adventure, understanding exactly what you want – be that success, deep love & passion, or to leave a mark on the work – but also the resistance to move towards it. 

Here you receive the tools & techniques to break through this initiatory period, and move forward in earnest.


Here you will separate from the things which hold you back – both internally and externally – and engage in consistent communal challenge.

You will fill your cup through the pursuit of awe & wonderment to inspire momentum, and understand the habitual temptation to stay static & safe.


Transformation begins by meeting and challenging your inner demons, alchemising the sharp parts of your being, then self-alchemising the inner Lead into Gold.

Once the inner shadows are integrated, you return from the figurative mountain to bestow your fellow man with the gifts born of your inner journey.

All the while moving through this journey in community with like-minded, elite individuals all fighting for something greater than the status quo in order to become masters of our own domain.

THE RSM Principles

Self-Mastery Doesn't need to be heavy

“Working on yourself” comes with a hidden connotation… 

It’s work! 

The Renasci Self-Mastery Community challenges the notion that personal development needs to be a hard & arduous process. 

If it’s too hard or too heavy, your nervous system will burnout, and you’ll end up detesting the entire process.

I don’t let that happen in my life, so I won’t let that happen in our community either.

There's so many Paths To greatness

There’s a lot of unrealistic expectations within the Personal Development space that don’t map onto the real world. 

You’re expected to be the most disciplined, peaceful, dangerous individual the world has ever seen, and millions of dollars are made selling the same tired routines and practices you can find for free.

I’ll hand you my toolkit of modalities & technologies, all of which are distilled to be easily understandable and immediately applicable. 

Collective Transformation is the new vibe

Of course you can do this alone, but it gives your comfort zone a chance to seduce you back to your old ways.

Personal transformation rarely happens in isolation, but in community. 

And building a life of magnificence steeped in pleasure, purpose, and meaning is way easier when you surround yourself with good people.

So use RSM as your self-mastery sanctuary, come and go as you need to, and return with stories of success when you can 😉

the time is now

You don’t need another course that sits on your ‘to-do’ pile and never gets finished. You don’t need another seminar or retreat which provides a powerful-but-fleeting peak experience. 

No you need a community striving to be uncommon amongst the uncommon.

RSM is that community. RSM is my full-spectrum, holistic solution to the masculinity crisis. RSM is your key to feeling strong and capable, to be a confident & accomplished lover, to create something meaningful and profitable and, most of all, it’s the key to finding the ever-elusive inner peace that we all crave.

I’ve been in this industry for long enough – over half a decade now – to know exactly how to marshal this movement, so at it’s foundation, RSM includes:

Investment options

Elite Membership

Go all in, become unrecognisable...
£ 44 per month, paid annually.
  • Elite Members receive...
  • 1-1 Personalised Onboarding!
  • Self-mastery Intensive!
  • PLUS Pro Perks!
  • Plus Standard Membership perks:
  • Renasci Toolkit Access
  • Monthly Mastery Challenges
  • Renasci Archive Access
  • Weekly Group Coaching

Pro Membership

Bet on yourself, beat the house...
£ 55 per month, paid quarterly.
  • Pro Members receive...
  • Discounted 1-1 Coaching!
  • Quarterly Pro Mastermind!
  • Plus Standard Membership perks:
  • Renasci Toolkit Access
  • Monthly Mastery Challenges
  • Renasci Archive Access
  • Weekly Group Coaching

standard Membership

Join Renasci Self-Mastery now!
£ 69 per month, paid monthly.
  • Renasci Toolkit Access
  • Monthly Mastery Challenges
  • Renasci Archive Access
  • Weekly Group Coaching


You will be the only person to know this for sure – but, ultimately, I can only think of 2 reasons that it won’t work for you (right now). One, that RSM will be a financial burden to you – though we offer a number of payment plans for the right individual. Two, that you prefer to ‘go it alone’. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it will generally take longer. I will say that RSM will be valuable regardless of where you are in your journey. 

If you are looking for a more intimate or accelerated journey, please consider RSM Core (my signature program), or RSM Advanced (my 1-1 mentorshop programme).

While there are a number of payment plans we are able to put in place, if you simply don’t have the money, do not join. This community will not be built on the backs of those who can’t afford it, and anyone aware of my work knows I’m not in the business of taking people’s last dime.

RSM is valuable, yes, but it’s not that valuable.

Lee will be inside the community space daily, and will answer questions within there as quickly as possible. On the coaching calls, everyone has an opportunity to ask their questions live in Q&A portions of these calls. 

Either way, you will never be left with an unanswered plea for information or advice within RSM. And that’s a fact.

RSM Core and Advanced members receive a heightened level of care & attention on their journeys due to the format and delivery of the service. If this is of interest, please make an application.

A lot. In RSM, I employ an application process to ensure a diverse group – everyone will have different skills, experience, and insights. This is the beauty of community – the people within it. Because of this versatility, RSM can serve you regardless of where you are on your journey. And it’s been created as that – a journey. 

Whether you’re wanting to break free of your 9-5, growing a small business, or looking to pivot into a passion project – there will be ways to make that happen within RSM.

Whether you’re dating, in a relationship, or just leaving one – there will be ways to capitalise on your situation, and make the best of it. 

Too many ‘self-help’ communities out there are combative or predatory to make you feel a need to stay, or employ false distance to make you feel you need to buy something else. 

RSM is my core offering, and will be for a long time to come. I’ve been in the game long enough to know what works, what doesn’t, and what else is out there.

If you’re just starting out, it’s so important to take the right steps first to be set up for your future. Going down the wrong paths, choosing the wrong options, or just getting lost wastes time, money, and energy. There’s no reason to do that if you’re aware of the alternative.

Mistakes are necessary for growth, but learn from mine instead! Learn from the other people in this community. There are common pitfalls in all areas of life, let me hand you a map before you journey outwards (and more importantly, inwards).

You can, but spaces are limited. RSM is my core offering and focus, so 1-1 mentorship comes at a premium and is extremely limited in availability to ensure quality and impact. Reach out to me here if you wish to discuss RSM Core – my signature program – or RSM Advanced – my 1-1 mentorship program – alongside 1-1 coaching packages.

Any other questions, but still interested in applying? Make an application and highlight this, and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have in-depth.


I'm a holistic life coach specialising in mindset for business owners, creatives, and closeted mystics.

I guide individuals through defining moments in their lives. I have worked with 100s men and women all across the world, from diverse life-paths and experiences, so there is no story we can’t unravel together if you’re willing to engage in this type of work. 

My speciality lies in giving voice to the inner disquiet within those who want more from their day-to-day, and aid you in creating a life of magnificence steeped in purpose & meaning. In order to achieve this, we tap into the genius of their inner world, clarify your legacy & life story, and begin to curate your own flavour of personal power &  magnificence. 

WHO IS lEE really?

Hi I’m Lee, a highly sensitive soul who has a penchant for comparison, isolation, and catastrophisation.

From a young age, I was a happy-go-lucky kid on the outside, but a scared little soul on the inside. My father and I didn’t get along until I was an adult, I felt like the second favourite child of two, and later used sex as a way to disconnect from my feelings and feel validated by the opposite sex. 

I had a real addictive tendency for anything I could get my hands on (and I mean anything), and felt I needed to save any woman in my life from men who weren’t ‘doing good enough’ in my eyes.

I went from Film to Finance to Prisoner Education, interspersed with extended travelling around the world to ‘find myself’.

In short, I liked to run away a lot, or search externally for what was inside all along.

On the outside, I’ve always been an easy-going joker who had a dope life. On the inside, I had my foot to the floor, redlining the accelerator, all the while slamming on the brakes whenever something got too real.

Those first 25 years – a quarter-f*cking-century – were exhausting.

After years in a toxic relationship, where I was emotionally held against my will (under threat of that woman taking her own life), I found Therapy. 3 months was all it took to jumpstart a different level of commitment and focus on what it was I actually wanted.

This was the catalyst for the journey I’ve been on since. I went from therapy to coaching to men’s work. I stripped away the bullsh*t and began to share my full self with others.

And what do you know? People liked that person more than they liked the fake guy from years before.

I want to stress something…I am by no means “cured”. My demons are still there. They always will be. But I’ve made peace with them. I can see that they aren’t me, just a part of the puzzle. I am more present to life now and feel more alive then ever.

And I would love to help you feel the same within RSM.

To your success,

