Mens work isn't working.
It's time to change that.

Begin your Hero’s Journey by joining our complimentary 30-day Hero’s Journey:

about Lee

I'm a holistic life coach specialising in mindset for business owners, creatives, and closeted mystics.

I guide individuals through defining moments in their lives. I have worked with 100s men and women all across the world, from diverse life-paths and experiences, so there is no story we can’t unravel together if you’re willing to engage in this type of work. 

My speciality lies in giving voice to the inner disquiet within those who want more from their day-to-day, and aid you in creating a life of magnificence steeped in purpose & meaning. In order to achieve this, we tap into the genius of their inner world, clarify your legacy & life story, and begin to curate your own flavour of personal power &  magnificence. 

If this sounds like you, read on…

Work with me

Regardless of where you are on your Hero’s Journey, below you will find a way to connect with my work that aligns with where you are right now:

the community

In an increasingly atomised world, there is a trend of ‘going it alone’ to be your best self.

But Personal Development is a misnomer – it rarely happens in isolation. While we all have to ‘do the work’, the biggest breakthroughs I’ve ever had have been in community. 

Have you ever sat on a group call alongside individuals on a similar path to you? Someone asks a question and you think to yourself “Damn… That’s exactly like my situation!”

You’re not alone. 

That’s why I created this Community – a self-mastery sanctuary with everything you could ever need to live a life of magnificence:

And what’s more… You’ll make friends, be held accountable, and find solace knowing you’re not alone on your journey.

the partnership

Currently, I am only taking on a handful of 1-1 clients throughout 2024. 

Click here for up-to-date pricing & availability.

If we’re a good fit, we’ll book in a free call to discuss next steps.